Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day Ten

An interesting start to the day. We were scheduled to visit the ABCMi centre but when we arrived, they were having mass. So we decided to pass the time by the beach, testing our billards' skills. Turns out, some have better mastery of the pool cue than others!

We then headed to the ABCMi centre to celebrate their 15th anniversary. The facility is a senior's drop in centre for exercise, church, painting, singing and computer access. As we witnessed, seniors in Brazil really, really like cake! They must have worked up quite the appetite doing Tai Chi!

We then headed to the Praia Grande Rotary Club lunch meeting. We presented our slide show about life in Canada. Our gracious hosts had several gifts for us visitors, which was an unexpected surprise. The members of this club included most of our host families. And in usual Brazilian fashion... we ate some more!

Most of our exchange group headed to the beach for a beer. I have not been handling the heat as well as others and headed to my host family's house for a rest and to post a blog. We are heading to the next city on our tour very early tomorrow. But first, we have our last Rotary Club visit this evening and then a 5 am flight in the morning!


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